The Evidence-Based Guide to Essential Oils:

What Parents Need to Know to Safely Manage Common Childhood Ailments


Are you interested in using essential oils for your child, but don’t know how to get started?

Do you wonder whether the information about essential oils on the internet is accurate and if they really work?

Do you often feel like you don’t have many options to treat your child’s coughs and colds?

Do you find yourself rushing your child to the doctor every time he or she has a fever?

Do you get overwhelmed with information on the internet on HOW to help your child when he is sick or injured?

Do you wish you had more at home options for managing your child’s pain with strains, sprains, bites or stings? 

Have you found yourself strapped with an ER or urgent care co-pay of $50 to $100, or even more, only to be discharged home with the diagnosis of a viral illness and to provide “supportive care”?


Typically, the majority of ER visits for children aged 18 years or younger result in treat and release (96.7%).

Infants and children aged <5 years account for more than 40% of pediatric ER visits, with respiratory disorders and injuries being the most common reasons for pediatric ER visits.

MOST of these conditions are manageable with simple home remedies using essential oils.

Imagine having and understanding how to use some of the most of the inexpensive tools you need at home to safely manage your child’s common ailments, such as:

  • Sprains and strains

  • Cuts and scrapes

  • Coughs and colds

  • Bumps and bruises

  • Rashes

  • Bites and stings

  • Cold sores

  • Vomiting and diarrhea

  • Headaches

  • Sleep difficulties

  • Mood difficulties

  • Hyperactivity and inattentiveness

  • Tummy aches

  • Colic

  • And more!

Does this sound too good to be true?

Are you willing to invest less to stay out of the local ER, urgent cares, and doctor’s office when those visits often simply end up with recommendation for supportive care and over-the-counter medication?



My name is Laura Gorham,MD and I am a double-boarded physician in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics. I am also certified in Acupuncture and Yoga, and have a strong background in Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

For over a decade, I’ve been treating children in the ER and have met face-to-face with thousands of parents expressing frustration about managing their child’s fevers, cold symptoms, pain, rashes, and more. A large co-pay later, they often leave with only education and minimal other tools at their fingertips to help relieve their child’s suffering.

I have been using essential oils for my own and my daughter’s health for many years. When I first began to use oils, I was concerned about which ones to choose. How did I know I was getting and using quality oils? I also realized that there is so much information on the internet that is not backed by research or evidence. I was collecting “data” from sales persons and mom blogs telling me how to use oils for my children without understanding the true implications and lack of or presence of research to back their claims! I hesitated to use oils for my child until I knew the evidence, which allowed me to make educated decisions for myself and my child. It took a lot of dedication and research…and now, I want to share that information with you!



This book can save you time spent on phone calls, doctor’s office visits, urgent care visits, and ER visits.

This book can save you money spent on traditional medications often used, sometimes with side effects, to manage symptoms of childhood illnesses.

This book can save you time AND money spent on ER, urgent care, and doctor’s office visits.

This book can empower you to safely manage your child’s common ailments right in your own home with the amazing resource of essential oils.


  • How to select quality oils to use and which oils to have on hand to help your child.

  • How to safely use essential oils for your young child (ages 0 to 10 years).

  • How to recognize common childhood ailments and which oils to use to manage them.

  • Most importantly, this book provides the research and evidence in an easy to read format that does or does not back up using certain oils for common childhood ailments.


Leading pharmaceutical companies don’t yet have their claws in essential oils…but the research is out there and astoundingly positive!

This is a simple reference guide, highly educational, easy to read and understand, not overwhelming, and backed by evidence researched by a pediatrician, mom, and avid oiler!

Here is a sneak peak inside this amazing Essential Oil Guide!



  • Why essential oils are a good option for common childhood ailments

  • What are essential oils, how are they made, and how to choose good quality oils

  • How to use essential oils safely in your children, which includes dilution standards

  • A review of several oils with minimal to no safety concerns in children

  • How to manage common childhood conditions with essential oils such as colic, teething, coughs and colds, fevers, pain, bites and stings, tummy troubles, rashes, lice, and more

  • Which oils you can use to manage your child’s pain instead of ibuprofen, acetaminophen, naproxen, and other over-the-counter medications

  • You will have exactly the tools you need at your fingertips to help with your child’s minor injuries and cough and cold symptoms

  • You will never have to spend hours researching online, wondering if the information you are reading is accurate or safe for your child

  • And as an added bonus, you will SAVE TIME AND MONEY on doctor’s visits and multiple over-the-counter medications, possibly even antibiotics once you start using essential oils for your child


Place your order right now and within one minute you will have the best guide to using essential oils to manage your child’s common ailments.

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As soon as your order is processed, you’ll be taken to the “Download Page” where you can instantly access and read the downloadable eBook.

This essential oils book provides simple, evidence-based instruction using several oil options to manage almost every common childhood ailment you can think of!

Click Here to Order and start learning about how to use one of nature’s greatest gifts, essential oils, to manage your child’s illness. For a limited time, I’ve made the entire Evidence-Based Guide to Essential Oils and FREE lifetime updates available so that you can read it over your PC, Mac, or on any mobile device that supports PDF, for only $24.97!


As new information and updates come out, I will send them to you for as long as you decide to stay subscribed (for FREE!).

I know from first-hand, personal experience that you CAN safely help your child’s symptoms at home with essential oils.

Your purchase is backed by my 100% guarantee! I want you to be as confident as I am, and as other readers are, that this book will be the best resource for you, the parent, to use to treat your child’s common ailments with essential oils safely and effectively. I am so confident you will learn from and continue to reference this essential guide, that I am giving you a 30-day money back guarantee!

If you are NOT completely satisfied this book is worth the price you paid and more, I want you to ask for your money back. I’ll refund you for the entire purchase amount you paid, on the spot.

Just click on the order button, and start oiling!
