Why Essential Oils?
Did you know that the average person applies 300 chemicals to her body every single day, and 80 of those chemicals are before breakfast? Some of the biggest pollutants in our homes are from fabric softener, dryer sheets, air fresheners, and candles. Health and safety data exists for only 15% of all the chemicals in products we use in our home!
Essential oils are the vital (and aromatic) extract of a plant, shrub, root, herb, flower, seed or tree. Essential Oils function as the plant's "immune system" -- they are essential to the life and health of the plant. Essential oils have enhanced lives for thousands of years, offering a variety of benefits from cosmetic and dietary purposes to spiritual and religious use.
Essential oils are added to foods, perfumes, skin care products, cleaning products, and many other consumer products! But not all essential oils are created equally. Oils found in food and cosmetics are often synthetic (created in a lab). Synthetic oils are harder to break down and can be stored in fat cells. These types of synthetic oils work against your body and do not have the same benefit.
Laura has come to firmly believe that Essential Oils are a better way. But it is important to use oils that are PURE, from plants that are grown organically and pesticide free, then properly extracted through careful steam distillation, resin tapping, or cold pressing, and bottled without additives. The purest essential oils are far more powerful than the botanicals from which they come.